
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Domestic psychological problems and their ensuring and proven remedies

Ubqari Magazine - February 2017

I am really scared:

My husband’s cousin is not well mentally. Once he strangled little brother and he left him after a lot of struggle.  There comes suddenly a lot of power in him that many people control him with a lot of problem. Her mother says that there is magical charm on him that is why he becomes so powerful. I am fearful of him, family members says he will scared you as much as you will feel fear of him. (K. Sh)

Suggestion:Mentally ill persons are dangerous for others and for their own self also. They cannot be kept free in this way that they strangle anybody or they attack anybody. These types of people get special favor by taking them as the victim of magic spell, which make their situation even worse. Be careful of him and tell your family that his offensive attitude can be controlled with treatment. More power in body is the sign of illness.

Tell the solution of boredom:

There was a time when I could not spend a single day without my family members. And now I am living separately from last one year. My husband goes to work before my getting up in morning. I wait for him until evening. He feels so tired that we cannot go out anywhere. There was no such boredom in my life before.   I want to fly to home many other thoughts also come. There was a chance to teach in a school, my husband was also agree but one need to know Arabic language also with Urdu and English. So I could not teach there. I can read Arabic but I cannot speak Arabic. Tell me the solution of boredom.

Suggestion:Grammar is very important in Arabic language. You will learn quickly if you try to learn it. Monotonous is also a reason of boredom expect having no interest in surroundings. To control this emotional reaction you need to bring changes in your thinking. For example this is your home now all happiness is connected to this home. So I will need a contented and happy attitude.


Complaints sister in Law:

One month ago our elder brother shifted to a separate house with his wife. His wife was not happy with us she had many complaints. But we all are sad. My mother is crying from last one month. My bother comes to meet my mother but his wife does not come. We ask about her but brother do not reply. We are surprised that our father is not sad. The only fault of my mother is that she supported us.(His daughters). (S. Lahore)

Suggestion:Everybody faces a day when he need to make his separate home, if your brother started to live separately take this change with happiness. He can support you even now if there are good relations between you and him. His coming to meet his mother is indicating that he is close even living far from you. Do not talk much about his wife with him it can affect your relationship with him.

Fire, Fire, Fire:

One day there was noise that factory is burning in fire. I was worried more than all and I successfully went out of the room by pushing people to a side. After some time the fire was controlled in one part. Nobody died. Thought of fire come after finishing my work and my heart beat seems fast. Thought of fire gives me sweat. Working becomes a difficulty, financial situation is bad that is why I am still working here otherwise I would not returned to work here. If there was no fire then this will not happened.

Suggestion:Sensitive people takes the effects of bad incidents in such a way that their peace come to an end. The reason is negative thoughts do circulates in their minds. In these kind of situations where nobody dies and there is so big harm is done and situation is controlled then this should take positively then you will not feel scared and fearful. For example you are save and alive. The fire is not spread it, the ideas must be brought to avoid these kinds of situations again. When your thought will be changed working in the factory will be easy.

I am fearful of fatness:

I eat with a lot of caution and selectively, even then after eating I feel that gas is going up in the brain. I also feel headache. I am fearful of fatness. I want to be smart in the old age also. My friends come back happy from parties but there remains agony on my face. Doctor also don’t take seriously my problem of stomach. ( Moujeeb Butt, Gujjrawala)

Suggestion: you are fearful of fatness and you do eat feel the fear and due to this feelings you must not be enjoying the taste of food and the delightful feeling of eating. Find that which food is good for you with medical information. Whenever you eat food eat in an enjoyable manner. Food eaten with happiness will not be a problem for you. If there is no problem of stomach then it is psychological problem. When you will control the fear and curiosity about the food the problem of gas will end.


Mostly I become confused:  Idon’t know what is happening to me. I say something and then hundreds of thoughts come that did I speak something wrong.  Then I speak after correcting it and even after that I want to speak 3 times more. I do not know what happened to my brain. I confuses on ordinary things. While washing hands I feel that they are not washed properly I should count and then wash. It happened while brushing.  (F, Q, Koita)


This situation does not happen at once. Like many other psychological issues the base of this problem is some incidents, situation and thoughts. You must control these thoughts which are enforcing to repeat on task again and again. You said something and people understood that. It means that you way of saying something was right.   So control the thought when it comes first, otherwise you will have to repeat three times.  In the same way while washing and doing other tasks you need to control the thoughts which enforce you to repeat again and again. You need to fight with them. After this you will be able to live a satisfied and peaceful life.


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